It is a list of my projects 🐣
TypeScript, Vue JS, Tailwind, HTML/CSS
This is an playground application Vue 3 in Vite. Here you are able
to perform the simplest CRUD operations with users. The project is
written in Vue and Typescript in Vite using VueUse, Vue Router and
TailwindCSS to explore its the possibilities.
login: testadmin
password: qwerty
TypeScript, React JS, HTML/CSS
This project is part of the course Foocoding where we had to use such practices as a SPA, fetch data from API, to have several pages using React Router, to have filters and pagination.
Vanilla JS, HTML/CSS
Such techniques as infinite scrolling, receiving data from the API, image opening mode and its scrolling are implemented here. Special attention was paid here to the mobile appearance of the application.
React JS, Redux, HTML/CSS
This project is part of a course I took to learn the basics of Redux. UPD: Currently, part of the code does not work due to outdated packages. Unfortunately, I was not engaged in active support and updates, because there are a lot of new and interesting projects. But you can still view the code for this app.
React JS, Redux, Typescript, HTML/CSS
This application is part of the hometask for an internship. The code for this makes use of the following HTML, CSS, TS features, React, Redux: import/export syntax, arrow functions, types, callback functions, props, useState, useEffect, store, reducer, props, state, onClick, onChange, dispatch, action.
It is an hometask project for an interneship. Users can add, edit and remove notes. The code for this makes use of the following HTML, CSS, JS features: Local Storage, ES6 Import/Export Syntax, Classes, Arrow Functions, Static Methods, Callback Functions, Event Listeners, QuerySelector, GetElementById, Template Strings, Class List, Flexbox.
React JS, TypeScript, HTML/CSS
This is an educational project that I completed as part of the Free React Course from Itera. Very symbolic for me. It was not easy for me during the course, in the process we had to create a custom state, use Typescript and work a lot with lambda functions. Nevertheless, a cool result and a lot of fun.
React JS, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, axios
Web App based on the API. A dictionary app information about any
word. Additionally, the app displays photos that match the word.
This is a single page application that uses axios to get data from
the open dictionary API and unsplash API and React renders this
Used API:,
React JS, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, axios,
Web App based on the OpenWeather API. The app returns information about the weather and 6-day forecast. At the core of the application's architecture is a component approach and the use of hooks to update information on the page.
HTML/CSS, Bootstrap,Responsive Design
This project allowed me to experiment with shapes, alignment and positioning. As a result site you are on. In the photo, there is an example of one of the ideas that I abandoned due to poor adaptability on mobile. But instead, you can see the version of the site as it was implemented 😉
JS, HTML/CSS, axios, Bootstrap
The application shows a current weather info, todays and 6-day
forecast. OpenWeather API provides access to current weather data
for any location on Earth including over 200,000 cities.
This page was created as part of my "Program Every Day" challenge. That's why it's very special to me, even though it's not rocket science. HTML and CSS are used here.